"A wise person works to learn and not to earn but average people work to earn and not to learn."

"A wise person works to learn and not to earn but average people work to earn and not to learn."
What happens in your mind will happen in time. Time-management is the first priority for the overcomer.
How many people are even aware that the main website for ancientscoin too have taken a new shape. This people are really serious. Let support them all the time to build this for the entire generation of Africa.
We are not called to give up. We are called to obey God at whatever cost and to let success answers our critics. If it seems you have hit a hard place in your life or ministry, don't whine and complain. Don't offer your reasons for it. Pray! Explanations and excuses rob you of strength and power. Don't shake your head and run. Use the authority that has been given you and overthrow the demonic Powers that blind the people.
Koku Amuzu
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