WEB1, WEB2, and WEB3 are terms used to describe different generations of internet technology. Here is a brief explanation of the differences:

1. WEB1: WEB1, also known as "Web 1.0," refers to the initial stage of the World Wide Web when it was primarily used for static websites and one-way communication. It involved simple HTML websites with limited user interaction and was mainly focused on displaying information. Users could only read or consume content and could not contribute or make changes to the web.

2. WEB2: WEB2, or "Web 2.0," is the evolution of WEB1 that introduced more dynamic and interactive features to the internet. It emphasized user-generated content, social media, streaming services, and user collaboration. WEB2 brought about various platforms like blogs, social networking sites, video-sharing platforms, and wikis where users can actively participate by creating, sharing, and modifying content.

3. WEB3: WEB3, also known as the "decentralized web" or "Web 3.0," represents the next generation of internet technology, which aims to create a more open, secure, and decentralized web experience. WEB3 incorporates emerging technologies.