And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. (Revelation 6:1)
It's all right to have wisdom. But if the wisdom is contrary, if the wisdom isn't correct wisdom from God, Divine wisdom, and becomes natural wisdom, I don't care how much science we have, and whatmore, or education, it's of the devil. I'll prove it to you, the Lord willing, in a few minutes. It's of the devil. Civilization is of the devil. I just got through preaching on that. All culture in the earth, all powers of science, and everything, is of the devil. It's his gospel he preached of knowledge in the garden of Eden. And he's took that knowledge, perverted knowledge, contrary to the Word, and will, and plan of God, and now he's had six thousand years to do just exactly what God did, only in a perverted way, and took the same amount of time to bring his own Eden in. Now, he's got a Eden here on earth, and it's filled with wisdom, knowledge. That was his gospel at the beginning, knowledge, wisdom, science. Never did God ever cater to such. And I want you to watch a minute. He did this, and because that he was a man of worldly wisdom.
Now, it's hard to say this. It's very hard, because speaking to people who feel the same way I do, and the way I have been for many years. But since the opening of those Seven Seals, of them Angels just behind the mountain yonder, this has become a new Book. It's the things that's been hid is being revealed as God promised in Revelations 10 He would do it. And we are the privileged people that God has chosen of the earth, that we might see and understand these things; which is not some mythical, fleshly mind of a person trying to make it up. It's the Word of God made manifest, proven that it's right. Proven, not by science, but by God that it's right. God, as I have said before in a message, God doesn't need anyone to interpret His Word. He's His Own Interpreter. He says it'll happen, and it happens. He confirms it; that interprets it.
A few years ago when we Pentecostal people, when the other churches told us that we were crazy, we could not, the Holy Ghost was a thing past. But we find out that God's promise was to whosoever will, and now we know different. See? And that's just little by little, this thing has opened up. And now He promised that the mysteries that was hid in those, all of those church ages would be revealed right at the end time. And He lets us know now. We are at the end time. We're here now.
( 65-0911 God's Power To Transform)