Factors affecting reversing of rare earth permanent dc motor supplier

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rare earth permanent dc motor supplier https://www.dydzmotor.com/45mm-rare-earth-pmdc-motor.html

rare earth permanent dc motor supplier As a common motor in daily life, its application is still very wide. rare earth permanent dc motor supplier sometimes has the problem of reversing in the process of use. There are many factors that lead to reversing of rare earth permanent dc motor supplier. The main influencing factors are as follows.

1. Electromagnetic factors

rare earth permanent dc motor supplier During phase commutation, there will be reactance potential and commutation potential in the commutation element, and the sum of these potentials is generally greater than zero, which is called delayed commutation. During commutation, when the rear brush edge separates one commutator piece and turns it onto another adjacent commutator piece, the commutator current is not zero, and electromagnetic energy is stored in the commutator element. When the rare earth permanent dc motor supplier's brush is separated from the previous commutator piece, the commutator circuit is suddenly blocked, and the electromagnetic energy in the commutator element is released as long as it breaks through the air, generating sparks.

2. Mechanical factors

As far as production is concerned, the adverse commutation caused by the factors of the motor itself is an important aspect. There are many mechanical factors, such as: the flatness and roughness of the outside of the three-dimensional commutator, and the perpendicularity of the outside of the commutator to the motor shaft when disassembled. A dip in insulation between commutator plates or a dip in commutator plates. The brush contact surface is not well grounded, and the brush only partially touches the commutator surface. The spring pressure on the brush is different. Brush box is too loose or too tight. The distance between each brush rod is not equal, so that some of the commutator elements of the brush short circuit are not on the geometric local line. Commutator appearance, etc.

3. Electrochemical factors

During normal operation, the rare earth permanent dc motor supplier will have a thin brown film of cuprous oxide on the surface of the commutator. Theory shows that the existence of cuprous oxide film is a necessary prerequisite for good commutation of the motor, which is because the cuprous oxide film itself not only has high resistance, but also adsorbs a thin layer of water, oxygen and graphite powder on the surface, which has a good smooth effect and is conducive to increasing the wear of the brush and commutator.

rare earth permanent dc motor supplier https://www.dydzmotor.com/45mm-rare-earth-pmdc-motor.html

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